This BDI Terrace Rectangle Coffee Table has a rectangular pinwheel design that offers open areas which provide ample storage and display space.
Making beautiful design practical.
For too long, people in the market for high-end home and office furniture have had to make a choice between pieces that are strikingly beautiful, but short on functionality, and pieces that are highly functional, but aesthetically not up to par.
At BDI we’re eliminating the need to choose, by applying the principles of high-end modern and contemporary design to practical, everyday furniture use.
Since 1984, we’ve been dedicated to creating uniquely functional, beautifully streamlined, and rigorously executed furniture. The features that we’ve made standard — including easily adjustable shelves, fingerprint-proof glass, hidden wheels, flow-through ventilation, and meticulously thought-out cord-management systems — are a result of our ongoing dedication to beautifully practical design.